Organize Your Closet And Your Life Will Follow
What does it mean to be more with less? I’m Ruma Tenbrink and welcome to the “Organize your closet and then your life will follow” podcast. If you feel like you are drowning in things and need to take back your life, you are in the right place. I am excited for you to “move towards minimalism” right along with me! Let’s do this together!
First, let’s talk a little bit about the Pareto Principle. It’s otherwise known as the 80/20 Rule and the law of the Vital Few, The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes - the “vital few”. So, if we translate this idea to our closets, really think about your wardrobe. You probably reach for 20% of your clothing 80% of the time. I know for a fact this was so true for me and that realization really hit me! It was the first time I went through all the fancy-wear and business clothing I was holding onto in deeper storage. Meaning, I never, ever, ever used them. I love being comfortable and wearing comfy clothes that feel good on my skin and make me feel good. So, I decided to be bold and just dropped them all off at a consignment shop in a funky little community here known as The Piedmont District in Oakland CA. I made it easy on myself and asked her to do her best and whatever didn’t sell well or fast enough for her, she could add to her donates pile which she took to a local women's shelter.
The magic of doing this was I went home to a lighter space that felt a lot less overwhelming and easier to organize. I also did good by providing clothes for someone else to love and use. It’s a win-win-win-win. The consumer creates a small carbon footprint by reusing something and getting a good deal on the item, the shop makes their money for holding and displaying the item, the local charity gets really nice clothes donated to them and I go home to the start of serenity and freedom in my closet.
Are you ready to change your life simply by organizing your closet? Could it really be that simple? Actually, yes it can. As a professional home organizer, I have seen the phenomenon take place with all of my clients. Every. Single. One. As you start to change your environment for the better, you inherently change along with it. You simply cannot help yourself. This opens a doorway into the world of positive change and along with that, infinite possibilities to uncover who you really are without all the physical stuff bogging down your home and your mind. Ultimately, your creativity hides deep within you because it is so muffled by the things taking up all of the open space and also things you choose to hide behind.
Let’s make this shift right now. By the way, did I mention this will be life-changing? Stay tuned and be ready for it!!!
Organize Your Closet And Your Life Will Follow
Episode 7 - Tid Bits Series Part 2
Please leave a 5-star review and email me at ruma@mylifeinflow.com if you would like to be entered into the "Giveaway Drawing" which will happen monthly as I choose a random 5-star reviewer. Type the words "Organize Your Closet" in the subject line! If you win, I will reach out to you for your best mailing address and send you a copy of "The Home Edit" by Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin!!!
Moving towards a minimal life can actually be daunting for many people. Try incorporating "Tid Bits", much like Tiny Habits so that you can move towards minimalism at your own pace, but make sure you also challenge yourself when needed! Here are Five Tid Bits that you can practice right away:
- A Little R&R - Learn how to rest and relax and do it more! Embody the term "La Dolce Far Niente." Translated this means pleasant relaxation in carefree idleness, or, the essence of doing nothing and enjoying it! You want to change your mindset to "work to live", NOT, "live to work" and again like our French and Italian brothers and sisters, let's embrace "La Dolce Far Niente!"
- Express Passion - There are so many ways to express your passion! Are you an activist, a home cook, an artist, a runner, a martial artist, a gardener, a storyteller, lover of board games, do you love to teach others, are you an animal lover? The list is endless!!! Volunteerism is a great way to express your passion while helping others (i.e. other humans, animals or the environment to name a few.) Chip away at the stone facade that was imprinted and carved upon you by society. Unleash your spirit, unleash your desires and eliminate the excess! Go on a journey to find your self! I'm sure it will be the best and maybe even the hardest trip of your life. I can guarantee, it will also be the most amazing and fulfilling journey you will ever take!
- Prioritize - What are your main priorities this month. Write them out and remember, focus on the 20% that will impact 80% of your life. These priorities are most important to improving your life overall. Let the rest go for now and move them along to the next month.
- Anxious and Afraid - Does the free time you are creating have you worried. Learn to quietly sit in the beauty of having nothing to do or feeling "bored." What a luxury! Try some breathing exercises, just BE, revel in the warmth of the sun or the icy cold of the wind on your cheeks, or the wagging of your dog or cat's tail, smell your food, smell your beverage and allow the aromas to get into your nostrils, watch your plants grow, watch a sunset you get the picture. Have you ever been in a garden and expierienced watching the plants grow? I"ve actually experienced that in the heat of summer. It was 90 degrees Farenheit and I swear I could feel my rose bushes growing taller as I saw the waves of warmth waft up into the atmosphere - it was a "one with nature" experience I will never forget!
- Clean Out - This is something that we should all do regularly once we have gotten our space the exact way we like it. Regular clean outs are necessary as new things creep into our homes (or garages - that's my prcrastination station.....uggggh.....I have it beautiful and then it becomes a dumping ground again.....then I make it beautiful.......back to a dumping ground......it's a painful process lol lol....I'm still learning and my standard for a garage space is pretty darn high as well. I mean, it should be for me right? I must practice what I preach!
Adapted from "52 Ways to Simplify Your Life", by Lynn Gordon
A special thank you to SmartSound FX HUMAN CROWD Applause Medium Audience applauding and cheering!!!
Consume less, live more!