Organize Your Closet And Your Life Will Follow

Episode 11 - Serene Spaces Visualization

Season 1 Episode 11

Whenever I am working with one of my organizing clients, I always start with some type of visualization. I want them to wire their brain right from the beginning of our session to see what is to come. With hard work and lots of fantastic decision-making, we always make it to the finish line together!!!

With this visualization, you will immediately start feeling the effects of how it feels to live simply, live clutter-free and stress-free because you are surrounded by what you need and what you love. Get into a really comfortable and relaxed position. You can sit with your feet flat on the floor as mentioned in my recording, OR curled up on your cozy couch with a blankie, OR laying down on your yoga mat. Let your body sink into wherever you are and just breathe in a relaxed fashion.

Enjoy and much peace, joy and love in 2022!

p.s. I know this isn't a perfect recording at all, but I'm so proud of this first visualization that I ever recorded. I recorded it on my phone many years ago, lol lol. Also, I realize daffodils don't come in blue, but this was "off the cuff" lol lol and I meant to say iris or periwinkle lol lol!!!

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Hello and welcome to this serene spaces visualization. Is the chaos that is consumerism taking over your life? You and only you have complete control over your surroundings. Imagine feeling more with having less. Less stuff and more time to do the things you truly want to do in your life. This all starts at home.

As you walk into your home how do you feel right now?

Are your spaces overrun with items spilling out of cupboards, piled up on desks, no place to set down your personal effects at the end of a hard day, a living room couch with no place to sit and relax, the kitchen sink always filled with dirty dishes, beds that are never made, laundry never put away? I would like to help you change this image in your mind right now and picture the way that it should and could be for you on a regular basis. Let’s take a visual journey together to your serene spaces and the place you call home:

Take a soft natural breath and allow your entire body to relax into the chair or sofa or wherever you are seated right now with your feet flat and firmly on the floor.

You walk into your lovely home and it is awash in sunlight. The floors and windows sparkle as the sun hits them through the sparkling windows. The beautiful rugs are warm and cozy underfoot. The expanse of floor area is clean and free of any clutter. You have a place in your hall closet already set, to put your purse or wallet and keys away soon after you walk in. The walls are a lovely soothing tone, maybe they are honey yellow, daffodil blue, or mocha latte whatever your favorite color might be – just imagine that.

As you walk into your kitchen to put the kettle on for tea or coffee you see that all countertops are wiped clean and the fridge, cupboards and pantry are orderly and organized. Your everyday use appliances are on the countertops, sparkling clean free from any dirt or oily residue, and ready for you to use when you need them. Cooking in this kitchen is a joy because everything has a home and you know where everything should be when you need it. You love cooking clean food in this clean kitchen. Even your health is better now because you are cooking at home more often.

You move into your bedroom to change and get into your loungewear. You reach for your favorite lounge items that are in a nice neat pile ready for you to grab. You easily hang the clothes that just need to be aired out and you immediately place the rest in the laundry in their respective basket of lights, darks or colors. You walk back to the kitchen to pour your tea and allow it to steep while you head over to your living room to light some candles.

You easily set out your yoga mat so that you may practice a few poses before you sink into your couch for a little “me” time. The couch area is a dream with cushy pillows and warm throws to envelope you in warmth and relaxation. After your last salutation pose is done to perfection you grab your cup of tea and just sink into your couch to enjoy it. You enjoy this moment of joy before you start your evening adventure.

Your evening concludes with cooking yourself a healthy meal, watching a fun show or two, reading writing whatever it may be that you enjoy doing to recharge and restore for the next day. After the kitchen is quickly cleaned and the living area tidied up you throw in a load of laundry to stay on top of things and take your evening shower. You prep as much as possible so that your next day can go as smoothly as possible. You are almost ready for a restful and restorative sleep and revel in your perfect day. 

Now take a deep breath and open your eyes slowly and realize that when you take the time to transform your environment you will slowly but surely transform yourself. I encourage you to be more with less. Declutter your spaces and free your brain of all the chaos that may be around you. Allow yourself to live in a serene space where everything in it are things that you love, enjoy and need in your life. Namaste!