Organize Your Closet And Your Life Will Follow

Season 2 - Episode 3 - Tid Bits Series Part 5

Ruma Tenbrink Season 2 Episode 3

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Big Love and a HUGE thank you to my 6 Irish fans who chose me as their top podcast of the year!!! WOW!!! And the same to my 19 fans who have me in their TOP 10 - I can't thank you all enough. I wish you an amazing year in 2025.

To move towards a minimal-ish life try incorporating "Tid Bits", much like Tiny Habits so that you can move towards minimalism at your own pace! Here are Five Tid Bits that you can practice right away:

  1. Just Say No - NO is such a powerful and necessary word when you are practicing more self-love  as this year progresses into the holiday frenzy and the New Year 2025. I feel like this is a little bit of a renewal year where we could really all use some deep rest from the antics of the world around us.  We should continue the season of rest through this winter and into 2025. Remember, no pressure on setting New Year Resolutions! I personally love to just set 2 to 3 really meaningful personal goals and do them!!!! Now that feels good and by the end of the year I feel like I have accomplished my top goals that made a difference for me.
  2. Low Maintenance - "Everything I think I need always comes with batteries..." you know that line from John Mayer's song - Something's Missing. I don't know about you, but I find so much wisdom about life and living from song lyrics. Specifically my favorite band "Dave Matthews Band" and many others including these lines from the incredible John Mayer: 
    --I'm dizzy from the shopping mall
    --I searched for joy, but I bought it all
    --It doesn't help the hunger pains
    --And a thirst I'd have to drown first to ever satiate
  3. Face the Fantasy - I love those videos people do called "Reality vs. Fantasy." They are super funny and I really applaud people who show it like it is on YouTube. I'm sure you've seen the ones where there are two scenarios. One is absolutely perfect and the other one shows the reality of it all. Super hilarious and you can just search for "Reality vs. Fantasy" to find some good ones! A former, talented co-worked of mine from Vitajuwel has some hilarious ones on YouTube. His name is Lukas Schultz - handsome German dude,there are a few with his name.
  4. Enjoy Imperfection - Perfection is truly the enemy of progress. I absolutely love this saying and I repeat it to myself often. One of my mentors has this saying he uses often which is to "move the needle" and he is referring to moving the needle one little mark to the direction you are trying to move into. Embodying this notion is truly the foundation to how I get anything done. I have learned to give myself a lot of compassion when it comes to my own personal productivity and being on the go-go-go hamster wheel of life. I allow myself so much grace and this means that when I'm not making huge strides on a personal project I don't beat myself up about it. I enjoy the state of rest I might need and I mean fully embrace and enjoy it. Then I go back to whatever it is I need to get done and I keep moving that needle!
  5. Inhabit the Neighborhood - This honestly just brings to mind Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers neighborhood for me.   I love the depiction of the perfect neighborhood, right down to the crotchety Oscar the grouch. It also somehow brings to mind a favorite old series called "Cheers". I loved when Norm walked in and everyone said hello by yelling out "Norm" to him. I'm a former bartender, so it's easy for me to be the first one to say hello. I like to acknowledge and say hello to anyone that passes me. I always say it first and that's okay. You should try it! I think I get more pleasure o

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